M. Zhang*a (Ms)

a Suzhou Dushu Lake hospital/Dushu Lake Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University, Soochow, CHINA

* z15306236610@163.com

Background: Metallic airway stent is an critical approach to malignant central airway obstruction (CAO). We demonstrated the efficacy of a novel through-the-scope (TTS) metallic airway stent system in previous study. We showed the long-term follow-up of the TTS stent system in malignant CAO patients.

Methods: From Jan 2015 to Dec 2021, 98 consecutive malignant CAO patients with airway stent implantation were enrolled. All patients were followed up to death or at least 60 months.

Results: 98 stents (59 OTW stents, 39 TTS stents) were implanted in 95 CAO patients guiding by a flexible bronchoscope under local anesthesia, or by rigid bronchoscope under general anesthesia. Stents were placed in the trachea (17 stents), right or left main bronchus (18 stents), and right middle bronchus (1 stent) respectively. The one-time successful rate was similar in two groups (100.00% vs. 97.67% ). The mMRC score and stenosis grade improved significantly after stent implantation. The main short-term complications included secretion retention, granulation and tumor in-growth. The main long-term complications included granulation, tumor in-growth and stent fracture. The medium overall survival (OS) after stent implantation were 7.81 months in TTS group and 10.90 months in OTW group.

Conclution:In the long-term follow-up malignant CAO patients ,the novel TTS stent system showed similar efficacy with OTW stent, but with less stent-relative complication.

Disclosure of funding source(s): none